Israel Taking the High Road… Again

Insofar as the Israeli/Palestinian “problem” has lasted longer than the lives of most individuals reading this article, at this point any hopes for an eventual peace between the two are, to put it mildly, tepid at best.

Regrettably, the despair that some have about the possibility of a lasting peace have given rise to a strange moral equivalence in which both parties are equally to blame for recent impasses.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid waste to this moral equivalence more than a decade ago when, as opposition leader at that time, he observed, “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel.”  A rather clarifying statement that has no logical rebuttal.

But logical rebuttals are in short supply when hatred rules the day.  The type of hatred that repeatedly expresses itself in speech peppered with “Death to America” sloganeering does not lend itself to critical analyses.  This hatred expresses itself in myriad ways, including recent advances in technology to get the word out.  What to do?

Take the high road.  At least, that’s the commendable (and civil!) approach from Prime Minister Netanyahu.  As untold millions across the globe have turned their attention to the World Cup, Mr. Netanyahu lauded both the Iran team and the Iranian people.

Said he:


Hope springs eternal that, maybe one day this message from the Israeli government will be received by the Iranian government in the spirit in which it was offered…

1 Comment

  1. Wow ! Thats worth a read. Thanks for writing it for us! Much appreciated

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