
In order to fulfill the mission of this website, we strive to abide by the following Standards. We likewise hold our visitors accountable to these same Standards.

  1. Practice and promote civil discourse.
  2. Avoid name-calling, insults, slurs, and ad hominem attacks.
  3. Avoid profanity, crudity, bomb-throwing and blasphemy.
  4. Avoid sarcasm, pettiness, hatred and contempt.
  5. Avoid overgeneralizations, stereotypes, and misattributions.
  6. Avoid assuming the worst about others and their motives.
  7. Avoid hyper-partisanship and political hackery.
  8. Disagree with others without being disagreeable.
  9. Be accountable for mistakes.  Sincerely apologize for them.
  10. Readily forgive the sincere apologies of others.